Alan Booth introduces

Duration: 00:00:41 Presenters:
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Professor Alan Booth introduces the site and the purposes of ‘Historians on Teaching’ as a practical resource for lecturers, history departments and the discipline community as a whole. The site has its origins in the History Passion Project which was led by Alan Booth as part of the ‘Graduates with Impact’ initiative from the UK Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for History 2010-12.

The History Passion Project involved an online survey of UK historians’ perspectives on history teaching at its best and the contribution teaching with passion makes to students’ learning and lives.Preliminary findings from this work appeared in a Subject Centre publication as ‘Purpose and value: history teaching and preparing students to make a living’, in L. Lavender (ed.), History Graduates with Impact (2011).

The data generated by the survey suggested many additional lines of inquiry explored in detail in the text History Teaching at its best, available from this site.We also felt that there was a need for film resources that could act as a point of reference to help historians to reflect on their experience and practice as teachers in higher education. This formed the basis of Historians on Teaching which has involved filming interviews with historians in a number of countries, notably Australia, North America and the UK.

This clip is one of a series from the website which is curated by Alan Booth and Jeanne Booth to support university history teaching and effective student learning.

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