Using artefacts

Duration: 00:01:43 Presenters:
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Dr Amanda Capern, University of Hull, UK, emphasises the need for variety, enthusiasm and connecting to students’ own experiences. She offers an example of how she uses artefacts in teaching.

One thought on “Using artefacts

  1. I teach a module on Material Culture and have used this opportunity to introduce a number of artefacts in to the lecture room. In one session I ask the students to work in pairs to produce three different ways their objects could tell a story in a museum. For example a victorian silver spoon could be used to recount the evolution of spoon design, metallurgy, empire or trends in food consumption. The objects are essentially just items from my own home or collections. The module has only run once but the feedback was particularly good for these sessions where the students actually handled objects. I find it interesting that you are introducing artefacts in to what might be considered a more traditional module. I cannot help but think the use of objects can fire up the imagination of students and make things a little different. I wonder if you or anyone else has had specific student feedback on the use of artefacts?

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